ESG Governance

In all our activities, we have adhere to legislative and regulatory requirements, both locally and internationally. With the new ESG Strategy, we have created a comprehensive governance structure within the MONETA Group. At the same time, we have decided to voluntarily join international initiatives covering the area of sustainable development.

The ESG ratings of the rating agencies reflect how well we are doing at meeting our sustainability goals


ESG Governance

In all our activities, we have adhere to legislative and regulatory requirements, both locally and internationally. With the new ESG Strategy, we have created a comprehensive governance structure within the MONETA Group. At the same time, we have decided to voluntarily join international initiatives covering the area of sustainable development.


We are always innovating our business and creating banking services for the future. We have the courage to change and seek the growth opportunities. Our business is profit-oriented but never at the expense of unreasonable risk.


We are fair to each other. We respect each other’s alternative ideas, which we support and develop. We treat others how we want to be treated. We take our competition seriously and learn from them.

Cooperation and engagement

We support and inspire each other because we know that we can achieve more together. Having a common goal helps us. We enjoy our work and perform as best we can.


Our contribution depends on us all individually – we are all bearers of change. We are in it together – we share our achievements, our risks and our failures. We provide and accept feedback that drives us forward.

Credibility and integrity

Our word is our bond. We always act in a professional, consistent and transparent manner. We act and make decisions ethically and according to our beliefs. We never forget that we represent the MONETA brand at all times – both at work and at home.

Code of Ethics

MONETA's Code of Ethics represents the basic rules of conduct of employees and members of management and supervisory bodies and declares the Group's obligations towards its employees, members of bodies, clients, shareholders, business partners and other third parties.

The management is directly responsible for sustainability. We have therefore established a Sustainability Committee and all activities across the Group are implemented by the ESG Cluster.

Regulations, guidelines and risk management

MONETA complies with applicable laws and regulatory requirements and cooperates with supervisory and regulatory authorities in Czech Republic and European Union.

We take matters related to this risk very seriously and incorporate them into a separate AML/CTF strategy set out in internal AML policies (called Internal Principles Systems). All implemented AML/CTF measures are regularly reviewed in the light of current trends and regulatory changes.

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To ensure that we do not violate any laws, regulations or act in a way that conflicts with our ethical values, we maintain a culture where anyone can raise concerns. We therefore provide our employees with the opportunity to anonymously raise concerns or report any perceived wrongdoing, either directly to MONETA Group management or through a dedicated independent reporting line.

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Our Cybersecurity department develops cooperation in this area with relevant industry associations and regulatory authorities such as the Czech National Bank, the National Office for Cyber and Information Security (NÚKIB), the Czech Banking Association, the Police of the Czech Republic and others. In guarding and protecting the Group's assets, our Cybersecurity department cooperates with top companies and third-party partners and benefits from the quality of their tools, services and knowledge.

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We take a holistic approach to ESG factors and risks, viewing ESG risks as a state of affairs, which negatively impact on the bank, our counterparties, as well as the assets in which MONETA has invested and which are linked to ESG factors. We are working to analyse the main ESG risks we face as a bank within the existing risk categories and in parallel identify our potential business opportunities.

This analysis will be reviewed annually and its findings will be incorporated into our ESG Strategy. We have also updated our risk catalogue to cover climate and environmental risks: we will extend this update to include social and governance risks.

Our involvement in memorandum and international initiatives

We have voluntarily committed not only to our own individual initiatives, but also to global initiatives that are consistent with our business goals and intentions to be a responsible party, and more importantly, a stakeholder within the broader community.

The initiative has been operating under the auspices of the UN since 1999 and on a voluntary basis, committing its members to the "Ten Sustainable Responsibilities". We became a signatory to the UN Global Compact in June 2021 and a year later we confirmed our support to the „Ten Sustainable Responsibilities“ and report on our activities in each area.

Communication on progress (PDF, 0,34 MB)
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In October 2021, we became the only company from the Czech Republic to become a signatory of the PRB. The Principles for Responsible Banking provide a guiding framework for a sustainable banking system and demonstrate a vision for the future within the Sustainable Development Goals in the context of the Paris Climate Agreement for the entire banking sector.

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The Sustainability Report for 2022 has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative framework to which it conforms in its "Core" scope. It is the sixth non-financial report published for the Group.

Read more at Sustainability Report 2022

In 2021, we joined the CBA Memorandum, which is a commitment by Czech banks to assess their activities in terms of, among other things, the requirements for environmentally and socially responsible business and to align their objectives with those set out in relevant UN global treaties, EU programmes and policies as well as national sustainable policy frameworks.

ESG Governance Framework

At the Management Board level, the Sustainability Committee, which was established in October 2021, is responsible for the ESG agenda. Its mission is to assist the Management Board in effectively implementing and overseeing all ESG-related activities across the MONETA Group. The ultimate responsibility for the Sustainability Committee lies with the CEO of the Bank.

Integrating ESG into executive remuneration

The achievement of ESG KPIs is reflected in the variable remuneration of top management and Material Risk Takers (MRTs).